The emergence of COVID 19 in Wuhan China in November 2019 marked a new disorder in everyone's life. The lives of youths living with HIV have not been spared. Interventions that deal with discrimination and stigmatization, access to health services, adherence, mental health and meaningful youth participation have been affected largely by the manner of the government response to COVID 19. The HIV investment from 1992 will be wasted if the current situation is not looked at. Discrimination and Stigmatization Multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination and structural inequality affect the lives of young people and increase their vulnerability to HIV. This has led to many youths failing to openly live with HIV despite living positively. The COVID19 pandemic poses a reminder on how our society treats a person infected by a virus tagged as a pandemic. A higher proportion of discriminatory attitudes towards people living with HIV was reported amongst the age groups of 15- 2...
Zimbabwe is a nation that has celebrated the decline in HIV prevalence among its population. A number of progressive initiatives were taken to fight the epidemic. However, these strides were done by adults and at large for adults. This has created a big gap and challenge for young people especially those living with HIV. The progressive initiatives only lacked to target young people living with HIV and those affected with HIV. HIV prevalence for the nation has declined, however the story is not the same for among young people. Issues relating to Stigma and Discrimination, HIV myths, Inaccessible ARVs, Non Existence of PMTCT, Uncompassionate health staff and related trauma are the biggest barriers for young people living with HIV and stand as hindrance for HTC behavior among young people. This paper want to focus on the gaps that needs action informed by the past and the present situation for positive living among young people living with HIV. The first cases of AIDS in Zimbabwe we...
The resolute voice among young people is that they want to be involved in decision making processes at every level of life. The approach towards meaningful participation is not as mere policy and programme beneficiaries but as equal stakeholders required during policy formulation, implementation and evaluation. Adults were and some are of the notion that youths are leaders of the Future. This has found its way to alienate youths bestowing adults with Present’s discourse. The emergence of Youths are Leader of Present echoed through amplified and coordinated global, regional and national campaigns. For development to be successful, an intergenerational partnership is pre-requisite. Humankind lives in a sprinting-relay scenario, where generations pass on to another as the race of life moves. This implies that the adults had their time and influenced much of the Past and part of the Present. The other part of Present and Future resonates to be shaped by young people. Thus it’s a cycl...